Our Mission
“..To perpetuate the universal teaching of the Druze faith, the enhancement of the fellowship among Druze and Druze descendants, the advancement of Druze religious, literary and cultural knowledge through education and research, and the betterment of all Druze people through charitable work.”
Our Vision
Our vision embodies the determination to take action and the desire to promote togetherness, unity, social responsibility, and progress.

By representing you, our community, it is important that you keep us informed of your needs as a member of the Druze faith, and of the challenges that maybe facing you as a family. Your concerns and feedback are always welcome and will certainly be addressed.

Your involvement in this society is crucial for its growth and prosperity. We owe it to our children to provide them with a solid community of friends and family with whom they can interact, share, and learn.

Your support and trust in our abilities as a Board is what we respectfully ask for. Together we can work side by side for the betterment of our great society.

A message from your Chapter President.

Welcome to the American Druze Society.

As the DC chapter president, It gives me great pleasure with a team of selected professional board to serve our Druze community by bringing new ideas to promote educations, social events and networking seminars to involve all ages, focusing on our youth to keep strong ties to our faith and culture.  We will continue our mission to find the ideal DC Chapter center for our members to call home and seek enlightenment of our culture, language and faith as well as celebrate special holidays and occasions.

We encourage you to please get involved!  Renew your membership or become a member to grow a stronger united community. 

Samar Abilmona

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